Sunday, October 20, 2013

Technology & Pedagogy

     I choose this lesson plan because photography is a popular medium for students to take part in. Students have cameras on their phone take pictures of everything. This lesson is designed to help the students understand the basics of photography and develop a story. They say “A picture is worth a thousand words,” well in this case that means that each picture has a story to tell. My goal is to have students take a pictures and be able critically think about their image of chose.
    The curriculum goals, teaching strategies, and technologies used were aligned. After I broken down the lesson plan, I was able to put the goals in the appropriate locations. Vocabulary was the main lesson because I want the students to apply it when we discuss it in class. Asking the students questions with allow me to mediate their discussions. As a result students will able to analyze the qualities of a given photo.
    The technology listed is meant to support the instructional strategies. Photography is visual and I have to accommodate that using technologies such as a smart board or projector. In the first class I would have the students watch a video on Youtube. The video will show students different types of photography such as portraits, landscape, photojournalism, and etc. I want to make lessons diverse so that the student can choose which style they want to follow. The strategies for the goals would be the smart board to show a power point or video for visual representation. Each technology will help the students understand the concept of photography.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I absolutely love how you believe that learning specific vocabulary is an essential part of communicating in the classroom. Students often overlook vocabulary and believe that art is only understood and represented through visuals created by paintbrushes and pencils.
    Also, I love the idea of taking pictures and having the pictures tell a story. There is so much that a photo can tell, but several times people do not take the time to truly examine.
    It would be a great idea to work with an English educator and create a lesson among the two. For example, the students would take photos in art class, and then use their photos in English class to write a picture prompt assignment. This will allow students to connect with the photo because it is a product of their creativity and creation; this is a way of making writing enjoyable because the picture is not "boring." This is also a great way for students to realize that all subjects are connected.

  3. Phillip, your spreadsheet is not public and therefore I cannot access it.

    1. It should be public. I dont know why it wouldn't

  4. I think this lesson is good for exposing students to the different types of photography. Using newspaper images vs. portraits will help students distinguish the various styles and uses of photography. Implementing specific vocabulary terms pertaining to photography is also important. I think that this lesson would take more than 2-3 classes to complete. From my experience, it took awhile to learn the basics in taking various types of photos. I'm also interested in how many images you would want your students to have in order to tell a story.
