Sunday, September 29, 2013

"Smart Board"


Technology has grown so much over the years. A few years ago I notice a new technology that has been integrated in most school districts. Its called a smart board, and it is an interactive whiteboard system. Now the key feature in this technology is the interactive feature. As teachers part of goals is to have students engaged in class. Students want to be able to focus on thing creative, such as video games. Video games are not a waste of time, because if you develop a cool concept and introduce some fun characters; it will be possible to entertain a general audience. My first interaction with the smart board was when I went to substitute for a teacher and one of the lessons required the smart board. I am tech person, so figuring out how to operate the system was not an issue.

      I would use this technology to show my students how to compose a image within their camera before they click on the shutter button. I am a digital photographer, so most of the lessons will be taught on a computer screen. Most people in the world own a cell phone and each phone has camera. You don’t need a high end camera to take beautiful pictures. My goal is to teach students three key factors: composition, lighting, and technique. In relation to my previous statement, I would then show my students example of the difference between a good image and a bad image. Composition is essentially the placement or arrangement of visual elements. Lighting allows use to control the exposure of a subject. Technique is knowing the capabilities of camera and using it to your advantage. In other words if you want to take pictures of a race car event, you want to freeze the subject (car) but add a little blur to the surrounding area around the car. Also the key to make sure the subject is in focus. The benefits to the smart board is that I can show them clips of a race car event and have them focus their camera on the whiteboard.

       The smart board costs about $6,295.00. That is an expensive hardware that will come from the schools budget. Most schools already have a smart board, so I would not have to make a personal investment. If I were to convince the school to purchase a smart board I would explain the interactive elements. If we want students to excel academically, then we must adapt to the technology around us. It is important for us to use technology because it is another form of communication.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Technology Autobiography

       The three most influential communications technologies in my life up to this point have to be my laptop, video game systems, and my cell phone. I use my laptop for so many situations such as graphic designing, editing photographs and promoting my business. There is not one day when I didn't turn on my laptop to check my emails. The laptop is a mobile technology that links me to the world. I am able to reach out to my clients all over the world, which is a plus for my business. As a graphic designer I use Photoshop to compose digital images for my clients. YouTube has taught me a lot tricks and secrets when it comes to developing a dynamic design. When I am not designing on Photoshop  I am taking pictures. Given that I am also a digital photographer I rely on my laptop to store my unedited images on the computer. In post production I use a software called Adobe Light room to edit my pictures and give each photo the correct exposure.
     Video game systems (consoles) have been a major influence on my life because it used them to reduce stress. Most children play video games because it is with out a doubt fun. Being in school most of the day was stressing at times and the last thing on my was doing homework. As soon as I got home from school I turned on my play-station one. When I play games I usually zone out and indulge myself within a fantasy within the screen of the television. When video games first came out, no one thought it would come so far. If we can incorporate video games within the lesson plan, I believe we will be able to communicate with students on a new spectrum. Video games stimulate interest and can reduce stress levels.
      The third most influential technology that I possess is my cell phone. I can not image a world with out cell phones. Cell phones are a means of communication and you can call anyone around the world. Without communication then chaos is usually the outcome. In relation to my previous statement, when people do not communicate it causes a state of confusion, which eventually leads to chaotic situations. I did not have internet on my phone for many years, but when I did it changed my life. I was able to open emails from clients without the use of my laptop. If I were to get lost, I can always rely on my phone to search for the target destination. My cell phone has truly played a major role in my life. I learned how to navigate through social media such as twitter.
      Negative aspects of these three technologies is how lost I would be if I did not have them to balance my day. Most of my work revolves around my laptop. I would not be able to develop or produce work for my clients. In relation to my digital photography, I would have no where to process my photographs. Not having a video game system wouldn't be such a big deal, but when I want to relax I would be at a lost.
      After watching the video, “Learning to change, changing to learn,” I learn that most of the students have a deep passion for their technological influence. One student mentioned that it “teaches people to think in another way.” I agree with the previous statement because as the years progress technology is growing in different shapes and size. Humans are adaptive and technology should do the same. Another student said that in “Soccer you can kick a ball and miss, but technology provides an undo option.” In relation to the previous statement, reality does not have a replay button. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013


My name is Phillip. I come from an artistic family, in which I was inspired to become an artist. I am very creative, and love to explore new ideas, and ways of achieving success.