Friday, December 13, 2013

Technology Integration Plan

     The matrix that I compose that will allow me to construct an effective lesson plan for my students to learn about photography. My core concentration in the art education program photography and I want to be able to share my knowledge with my students. The lesson plan is broken down by six categories which is to identify, understand, analyze, create, communicate, and produce. Each of the categories that I mentioned in the previous statements are attached with a standard. The matrix has a row designated for standards, strategies, and technologies. I will explain how to integrate technologies into my lesson plan for photography.
    In the first row of the matrix, I want my students to be able to identify a photograph. One of the standards state that they will use digital tools in order to enhance creativity as well as to construct the knowledge. One of the strategies that I can use to help my students develop the skill to identify the photograph is to use a video presentation. A video presentation will provide a visual representation for students to see the process of how photographers compose a picture. Looking into the process of photographers will help students develop a sense of style as well as creativity. I want to inspire my students to take pictures of the world. Art is all around us, and a camera will allow us to capture the moment in time. While they are watching the video I will encourage my students to take notes of what they see in the video. It is always good to refer to notes when you want to clarify a new concept. Concept mapping with assist the students create ideas, as well as peer critiquing. The technologies that will accompany the standards are pen, paper, smart board (for visual aid), computers (for research), camera, and internet.  
     The second row is for understanding the aesthetics of photography. The strategies accompanied with the previous statement is to demonstrate, and provide a visual presentation. I will have a camera out to show the students how to hold it. I believe that students should have a knowledge not only of the technical material directly related to their own work of the moment, but they should also have a knowledge of the technical material based on other concerns than their own. The smart board will be used to show the pictures taken on the camera to the class.
    The third row is the meant for students to analyze the qualities of a given photo. Now the major strategy that I will use is to have small groups. I want my students to work together so that they can bounce ideas off each other. They will use a pen, pencil and paper to sketch out ideas. I want my students to record the conversation that they are having together. They must in fact listen to each others opinions to come to a conclusion of what makes a good photograph versus a bad photograph.
    The fourth row students will be able to take photos that convey a message or tell a story. In this lesson, I want my students to compose a storyboard. The students must be creative, so they will have to look into their notes and pull out some ideas. I will give them an assignment that will encourage them to create several images they relate to each other. The purpose of the assignment is to have them create a story using just photographs. They will need a pen, pencil, paper, internet, and computer to complete the task.
    The fifth row students will value photography as an essential part of the newspaper/magazine and develop an understanding of photo journalism. Students will get up in front of class and present their storyboard, which would be an oral presentation. The six row students will be able to take photos that demonstrate their understanding of aesthetics. In other words they will know how to produce original work. The strategies that will assist the students would be discussions, peer critique, and brain storming.
       This project is important because it helps the teacher create a graphic organizer that will help build the bridge between standards and integrating technologies. I love photography and when I started I taught my self the basics before I started to take pictures. Photography is not about just clicking a button, you must compose the shot (image) then capture the moment. I was able to construct my ideas by using this matrix model.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Using a Slideshows in the Classroom for Photography

I plan to use a smart board to display a power point from the unit. The unit is will require the students to see the picture. For example if the topic is about Nature and how take Landscape pictures then I will need to show examples. Power points are particularly helpful when used in the classroom as it can attract the learner and make learning interactive. When using power points set to music you can time your slide transitions. Power points also support the use of animations, and you can animate objects in power points or insert movie clips to make your presentations interesting. This can prove to be useful when you are helping the students study. Using power point will allow me to show the difference between a picture using the rule of thirds and a picture that does not. Students should also have a thorough knowledge of the history of photography, for this knowledge provides for a richer experience in the use of materials and in the making of aesthetic judgments. By understanding the past, we can more fully explore in the present. Some high school students may know about some common famous artist; They have certainly heard the names of most of the photographers, but for the most part, lack any in-depth feeling for and real knowledge of their work. With many students it is almost impossible to carry on a conversation about photography in which one refers to examples of past work. The slide show is meant to provide a visual bridge. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tv Project

Since I want my students to be familiar with a camera I will have them produce a video. The video will be about the lesson in class and make a TV commercial or short clip. This will require to develop a storyboard for the assignment which meets the visual arts standards. I want my students to create a three minute video every two week. Maybe by the end of the year they will take this project further actually develop a television series. At the end of the year they will have to present the television series to the class and try to sell it to the network. I plan to take the videos produced by the students and show it to the parents. This is a way to promote art education in school. I will have the music class collaborate and they can provide movie score instrumental for a video with no sound.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Advocating for Art with Technology

    Recently, in one of my Art program classes, a student came to me very sadly relating how much he felt cheated by the lack of art instruction he had received in his elementary school. When he was in elementary school she had very much wanted to learn to draw. I understood where the student was coming from because when I was in art class, I did not receive much guidance. I am a self taught artist and I learned a lot of skills that I in turn teach to others. Art may be difficult to teach but if we provide a time for students to sketch out ideas, we can help them process that design into something concrete.
    An idea that can help promote art in schools and outside of school is using Flickr. Flickr is a site that promotes images around the world. Flickr is like you tube but only for pictures. Teachers can scan the work of the students and post in on Flickr account which can be the name of the school. You can organize this pictures by putting them in a set by year. Students can come back years later and look at their progress. 

Unit Plan Canvas Remix

The subject area that I collaborated with helped developed a future lesson plan for my class. The unit canvas that I remixed focused on the how music can change your emotions. Listening to music can make you feel a certain way. If you listen to smooth jazz, it will will without a doubt cause a person to feel relaxed. Now in relation to the previous statement, colors can in fact do the same thing visually. Linking colors to music is great way to diversify education. Mixing subject areas will allow students grasp the meaning of knowledge. During the process of the creating the remix I had to find some videos that related to both content areas. I found a video on teaching the primary color using music. The artists who composed the song go by the name Ok-go. They are a popular band, and they can reach out to the younger generation. Ok-go is known for making creative and catchy music. The next video that I linked to the canvas was called "Hearing colors and seeing sound," and that video was meant to build a bridge on why music and art correlate with each other. 

Remixed Canvas

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Finding a purpose for Technology within the classroom

Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. It must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and situations that connect to the “Real world”. Proficient technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and transparent and when technology supports curricular goals. Now how I relate technology to art is on another scale. I want my students to visually see what I am explaining. I show them examples by demonstrating my work. Having students photograph their artwork and create digital portfolios can be something a lot of kids are interested in. Teach your students to use digital cameras, though they already know how, but they can learn to photograph their artwork after it is finished, matted and labeled. This allows students to retain a digital portfolio, allows faster publishing to their online art gallery, and gives you a digital database of the lessons you teach. That's just an idea for future lesson plans.

The image below is a photograph that I took for my portfolio:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Unit Plan Canvas

This board will act as a guide to help create a story board. Have you ever wanted to tell a story through pictures? On this board you will see pictures that convey a story. I will create a story using the concept of "Toy Story." The purpose of the lesson plan is to show students how to convey a story using just images. This is important because it deals with real life situations outside the classrooms. In relations to the previous statement, we see logos in advertisements, traffic symbols, and other types of images that convey a story or message. I want my students to be able to identify with the image on a critical thinking level. In order to achieve my goal for the lesson, I want my student to create a series of images that related to each other. They will tell a story with no words or captions. Now my students will have no choice to think outside of the box. Art is about being open minded and letting your creativity run wild. 
Using the website was intimidating at first, but after using it I realized it is a great tool to use in the classrooms. It makes the lessons fun and interactive. My only concerns with the website is that it is slow. The site seems fairly new, but it still needs minor adjustments. I do plan to use this in the near future. 

Story Telling Through Photography